Now, on to my current dilemma I face this week - should I proceed with getting Mathias his first professional haircut or do I let him grow it out until he's older? Mathias is going to be one this Saturday and has already received three haircuts at home when he was younger (I know what you all are much friggin hair can a baby have?).
The first "haircut" was done by me when Mathias was only one month old. Yes, one month. I had to...the poor little guy had such long hair that it kept tickling his ears so he would constantly pull at it and then make himself cry. It was awful to watch everytime he did it. Mind you - I was a new mommy. Plus we all know how newborns at that age clench their little fingers so tightly around anything they can grasp. In this case, for my son, it was his own hair. Not only that, but the long hair around his neck and ears created a slight rash from the heat and irritation. I figured I was doing my kid a favor by keeping him cool in the hot summer weather that we had to endure (we didn't have air conditioning yet at that time). I finally decided at that point that I would take Daddy's hair trimmer & scissors and start a wackin'. It wasn't pretty...the hairstyle that is. Mathias was fine - he slept the whole time I was trimming away. The final look? Pretty darn cute from the front and pretty darn BAD from the side view. What can I say, it's hard trying to cut a newborn's hair. They're so fragile to begin with and I didn't want to hurt or disturb the little guy while he slept. My gentleness and lack of haircutting skills really gave my kid the buzzed/high & tight/jarhead/crewcut look I was sooooo not going for, but hey...he was still pretty darn CUTE! My sister referred to him as "The Monk". hahaha

At the green age of just 9 months, the second haircut was done by my lovely mother. Urgh - I was so upset! LOL She had the audacity to take it upon herself to go ahead and "trim" the front part of my son's hair. I came home from work one day and saw what appeared to be very short bangs on my kid's head. Not cool. My mother's reason for cutting his hair, "Iz touching his eyes!" I know, Mommmmm, but really, did you have to trim it yourself? From the front, my son had the bowl haircut that was only popular in the 60's. From the side, it looked like my kid had a mullet! I was devasted (and a wee-bit dramatic, can you tell?). Aah, well, my mom's intentions were good so I tried not to show that I was upset. Instead, I was optimistic and just decided he needed a proper haircut. Two women already jacked up since birth so now it was time to fix it!
Now here we are, two months later. Mathias is going to be one in just a few days and now his hair is longer than ever. I know my mom and I love the long haired look on little boys. There's something carefree about boys with longer hair. I just don't want anyone to mistake my son for a girl. There's something cute about a boy with getting his hair cut too. The shorter hair gives them the clean-cut look which is also endearing...but it also makes them look older. So currently my dilemma is this: should I let my son grow out his hair or do we need to take a trip to the barber? Any suggestions are welcome!