

Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Son Is A Screamer

Our boy has this loud-pitched scream that is sometimes really annoying. I look at him and go, "Why? Why must you insist on shouting this piercing cry?" Then, as if he understands me, he laughs this fake little laugh that comes from the depths of his belly like an old man chuckling...then, he screams again. You can only imagine the startling looks I get from strangers when we're sitting in a restaurant. "Hi, there! Yes, that's my kid you just heard. Please, continue eating. " I almost have to bite my lip from trying not to laugh every time he does it in a public setting, but then realize that any attempt in hushing my child is pretty futile. Normally, folks are pretty polite and understanding - they know that kids will do these things from time to time. I usually get a few who'll laugh at the free entertainment they get while dining. Thank goodness for those people!

(Mathias' fascination with beads in our guest bedroom.)