Hooray! My son the soon-to-be one year old (I love saying that) has finally blessed us with the presence of his very first little tooth...it's just poking out almost jagged like at the bottom left of his mouth. The neighbor tooth right next to it will surely protrude any day now also. I can just see it trying to break through (ouch). All I can say is...hooray! Alright, so I said that twice...and dang it, I'll say it again. HOORAY! It's so nice to finally see the reward after all the hoopla, crying and fussing that teething brings. I thought my son would never have teeth! I almost began to imagine that my son would be the only kid in school without any teeth yet. Dramatic? Yes...but anyone who knows me knows that I've been waiting for an eternity for those little white chompers to come out. All his cousins & fellow baby friends have sprouted teeth - some more than four or five already! I've been told not to rush things and let his growing come naturally, but I'm prone to being quite impatient. "Where are my son's teeth? Why is my son - as big as he is - the only one who has a toothless gummy grin?" Alas, the presence of what almost looks like a tiny piece of rice stuck in his mouth, (yes, we eat a lot of rice and nooooo, it's not a piece of rice) was welcomed to the delight of his mommy, daddy, grandma and niece. Everyone thinks this itty-bitty tooth is the most amazing thing right now. The long-awaited arrival just makes it that much more endearing. I love mommyhood!!!