

Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Online Shopping...To Be or Not To Be?

When I was a teenager, I loved hitting up the malls with girlfriends and hanging out for hours wandering around aimlessly with nothing more than $20 to my name. As I got older and had a child, the mall became more of a pain in the ass. Lugging around a massive diaper bag, snacks, bottles, stroller and my baby himself; the world of shopping was no longer a relaxing stroll of window shopping, but a means to get what I needed as quickly as I could and be outta there in time for munchkin's nap. I avoided the crowds and crazy shopping carts as much I could when Mickey was younger. Thus, going out to shop became a chore or at worst a wrestling match with a screaming child in front of complete strangers. When I did have the luxury of going out by myself to get something...I have to admit, it was HEAVEN. The simple joys of taking your time and b-r-o-w-s-i-n-g was something I had always taken for granted. Fast foward a few years and now munchkin is old enough to help me shop. :) Seriously. He rides in the cart and more often than not, will try to push it for me. His grabby hands are no longer knocking things off the shelves as we pass by. Instead, he asks politely if I can get him this or that. We actually have fun now. It's a little mini-shopping experience that - when your kids become a certain age - can be enjoyable for all.

With all that said, I've been dying to take Mathias Christmas shopping since...oh I don't know...Halloween! :) This weekend was without a doubt the perfect opportunity to drive around and shop shop shop. I was itchin to hang out at the toy department with Mathias all afternoon (I'm sure he'd agree). However, the weather was against us. Snow, snow and some more snow. The cold temps made it icy for travel and I didn't want to drag Mick in and out of the vehicle. Then it hit me as I sat by the fireplace with warm fuzzy slippers and robe on, sipping on fresh coffee...why go out when I can just easily purchase what I need online? I'm not a big online shopper and a little leery about the cons of web stores, but my friends and fam do it all the time. No crowds, no traffic, no cold weather to deal with. All in the comfort of your own home, right?

What are your thoughts of online shopping? Do you prefer the stores and the checkout lines and reviewing items in person? Or is the convenience of reading other buyer's reviews online more your bag? I personally like pushing the cart around and watching Mathias' eyes light up as we walk through each aisle of new stuff. Just as I made up my mind, I looked out the window. Hmm...this windy day with more expected snow tonight kinda has me leaning towards keeping my butt on the sofa. Yep, I'm gonna be lazy! I turn my head to see Mick sitting on the floor with his cute little pj's on, playing with his lego collection. The warmth of the room and repeats of Christmas cartoons in the background keep us almost transfixed to this cozy living area. Well...I guess there's my answer. Amazon.com here I come! :) I'll keep you posted on what I find...and possibly don't find lol. Time to refill my coffee cup...