

Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Just Another Pre-K Weekend

Lots of fun this weekend hanging with little man. Played with just about every new toy he got from Christmas then had a Toy Story movie marathon. We pretty much have all three sequels memorized for as much as he likes to watch them. His favorite is Toy Story 2. Mine is the original Toy Story. Toy Story 3 is pretty cool too and is actually Papa's favorite believe it or not.

Right before bed, I read Mathias a book, said our prayers and then off to dreamland he went. In his pirate tent of course. In my room. ;) So yeah, it was basically a sleepover on my bedroom floor. Do I mind? Not in the slightest. The weekends are essentially the only time I get to spend all day with my son. At least on the weekends I have him. Having shared custody blows. As much as it's great for a child to spend time with both parents, I essentially only see munchkin a few hours after work, a few days out of the week. It's hard, but I wouldn't want to take Mathias away from bonding with his father so I take what I can get and indulge in every waking moment playing with my kid. It's as simple as that. So this weekend is "my turn" and I'm loving every minute of it. From playing the part as the Lego princess (again), or getting shot by his foam dart gun repeatedly because (after all) I was the bad guy, to disguising my voice as Slinky the Dog while I sat in his pirate tent hunched over for what seemed like an eternity. All these hours of play time in a preschooler's world may not seem like most people's idea of fun, but I tell you, I would rather watch Toy Story 100x with Mathias then party downtown getting plastered. It's so strange the life I use to live consisted of drunken nights of club-hopping and house parties and now it revolves around Spongebob and Buzz Lightyear. I suppose it's still a weekend of play...just in a different (and personally more entertaining) way. :)

My King of the Castle aka The Man of LegoLand