"Cold weather is creeping in on us and with that, unfortunately, comes the cold and flu season. Besides being a sanitizing warrior, there are other things you can do to stay healthy this winter. Staying active, getting a proper amount of rest, and eating balanced meals are just a few ways to stay in great health. Adding more antioxidants and vitamin C to your diet this winter is also a smart choice."
Ugh. The dreaded winter cold. Mickey just got over his cough and cold. Having children that are sick...well, it's inevitable that the parent will catch whatever ailment they bring home. So thank you, Mathias, for passing along your lovely cold to me. Waah...
I can usually tell when I'm about to get sick because my throat starts to feel scratchy and dry. Never fails. I was drinking liquids all day to soothe my itchy throat. I hate getting sick. I usually do once or twice a year and with the weird weather we've been having lately, I'm not surprised. To kick this viral infection outta my system asap I've been taking generic cold relief tablets/lozenges and different home remedy cures all day and night. I am a firm believer in the honey/lemon/ginger tea route AND good ol' Vitamin C. Anything else is usually just extra work and often times not needed, but...
I.REFUSE.TO.GET.SICK. So here we go...
Day 1
First thing I popped into my mouth this morning the minute I sat down at my desk. Dissolved quickly but tasted pretty gross.
Drank two cups of hot coffee immediately afterwards which does absolutely nothing for a cold, but dammit it tastes good. I can tackle anything with a good mug of joe first thing in the morning. God bless coffee. :)
Throughout the day I munched on some crystallized ginger candies from Whole Foods. Unfortunately, I only packed a few in a little baggie. Definitely have to get more of this delicious and beneficial confection.
Vitamin C regimen...fool-proof.
Finally, to end my night...a soothing cup of hot tea...my favorite...
Wish me luck these next several days. Here's to kicking this annoying cold from the get-go before it decides to run its full course!