

Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Darndest Things Kids Say

Busy week it has been...with Mick's father's being out of town I had to play soccer mom all week for munchkin. Waking up early to drop off Mick at school, then work for me, then back to pick up my lil monster. It's been quite a hectic time, but the opportunity to take Mathias to and from school has been a treat. :) I was able to meet Mathias' new Pre-K teacher Mr. Jimmy who by the way looks more like a movie star than a preschool teacher. Now I can see why Mickey's dad always insisted on dropping him off at school. ;) Anyway, I just had to post some of the funny things Mathias said from the week that had me cracking up. Kids are really too darn cute. :)

The conversation Mick would have with his best friend and classmate Christopher whenever I picked him up from school:

MATHIAS: Bye Christopher. My mommy is here to take me home. I'll be your friend tomorrow OK? See you later!

Our prayer before dinner every night at the table:

Dear God, thank you for this food we are about to eat. Thank you for all my blessings. Amen. 

The night I ordered pizza for us:

MATHIAS: Dear God. Thank you for this pizza. Pizza makes me happy. Amen. The end.

In my jeep on the way to drop off Mathias at school...a car cuts us off and of course I'm livid.

ME: Shit! Watch where you're going car!!

MATHIAS: Oooooh....you said a bad word Mommy!

ME: Oops, I know I'm sorry Mathias. Mommy didn't mean to. 

MATHIAS: Shit is a bad word Mommy. You're not suppose to say shit.

ME: Then stop saying that word Mathias! It is a very bad word OK?

MATHIAS: OK Mommy. I won't say shit anymore. Shit is not nice. Shit is something only bad people and strangers say. So don't say shit anymore. OK Mommy? I don't say bad words huh Mommy? Bad words like shit and dammit and stupid and gimme. Right Mommy?

ME: Mathias!!!!

MATHIAS: But coconut and Spongebob are good words, right Mommy? I like coconuts. But not shit and I don't say gimme anymore. I say, may I please have that. But not shit. Right Mommy?

ME: ...................