What a cutie! :)
Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I Heart Golf
April showers bring May flowers. Well, not in Colorado. Springtime usually means blizzards and snow storms. Not this year. This year is the first year where I can remember in a long time where we reached record highs. Mathias and I took full advantage of the 80-some degree weather and decided to hit the greens.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Happy Hump Day...Is It Friday Yet?
Mathias was seen today by the doctor today while I was at work and it turned out he did indeed have an ear infection...with a 101 degree temperature. Yikes. He's now relaxing with me as we watch Harry Potter snuggled on the couch. The meds have brought his temp down and he's slowly losing his cough which is what I'm working to rid of next. Poor baby.
On a brighter note, I had a nice phone conversation today with someone near to my heart and it went better than expected. Thank you God. Work at the office also went well and I have to say I work with a pretty amazing group of people. They certainly make my days joyful with their sarcasm and hilarious comments related to your typical office enviroment fiascos. Ever watch the t.v. show The Office? Yeah, that pretty much sums us up.
On a brighter note, I had a nice phone conversation today with someone near to my heart and it went better than expected. Thank you God. Work at the office also went well and I have to say I work with a pretty amazing group of people. They certainly make my days joyful with their sarcasm and hilarious comments related to your typical office enviroment fiascos. Ever watch the t.v. show The Office? Yeah, that pretty much sums us up.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
C'mon Immune System...Work With Me Here
Poor Mick...if it's not one thing, it's something else. I know his little immune system is working overtime trying to strengthen itself, but good grief. I just hope it's not allergies. Entering the house after an emotionally draining day at work to a little boy who's pink eye has cleared definitely made me feel better, however, now a cough is present and it appears he might have an ear infection to replace the eye infection. I blame the weird change in the seasons. Hot cold hot cold. It's affecting everyone's allergies and getting all the kiddos sicker than usual. Ugh...for now little man is trying to sleep it off for the night as he's not running a fever or crying in pain. If the aching in his ear persists, then I will definitely have to take him to Urgent Care. Unfortunately, the closest ones in town aren't open until the morning so most likely it would be a trip to the ER at the hospital if it worsens. Been there and it's not fun. Fingers crossed for this miserable day to pass and for munchkin to wake up with a big smile...usually a good indication he's feeling better. :)
So goodnight, long-ass day. Here's to a brighter morning!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Someone Feels Better!
Update on little man. He's running around downstairs with Papa and Gramma since they got home. His eyes are still yucky and he's definitely going to bed early tonight, but from the sound of laughter coming outta him, I'd say he's doing much better! :) Too bad the pink eye gunk prevents him from going to class tomorrow, but at least my folks can help watch him so I can get back to work. Hopefully, I didn't miss much at the office and Tuesday will be a normal Tuesday. Then again, nothing in my life is really "normal" so here's to just being able to go to work! ;)
Mickey's colorful creation. I told him I didn't want to go on a boat because I was afraid of it sinking and I'd rather fly on a plane. So he drew me plenty of flags on his pirate ship to keep us afloat. I'd say we're safe. ;-)
Mickey's colorful creation. I told him I didn't want to go on a boat because I was afraid of it sinking and I'd rather fly on a plane. So he drew me plenty of flags on his pirate ship to keep us afloat. I'd say we're safe. ;-)
My poor little love bug has fallen asleep...again....he must be so drained. :( So here I am in the mountains alone with my thoughts. Lovely lol.
I often wonder...do people ever make important decisions in their life only to regret it later? Of course they do...I feel as if I've made one myself. Sometimes the one move in your life that you think is justified and for good reason...ultimately doesn't feel like it. I don't know how to go back, but only forward so I suppose it is just idle time I am wasting writing this. I don't even think anyone reads this anymore as I've been pretty sporadic with posting these days. Everyone is so busy...including myself so I just keep plugging away at what I suppose I do best and that's just raising my son. Ugh...what somber and unpleasant feeling I have in the pit of my stomach right now. Must be the lunch I had or the heartache I feel. I can't tell the difference at this moment. I just push it down hoping it will subside. C'est la vie. Off to check on my little man...hopefully the warm weather today and bazillion attempts to drop ointment in his eyes have made him somewhat better.
Yay for Mick!
I have some good news and bad news today. Bad news...Mathias definitely has two pink eyes thanks to a nasty bacterial infection. Combined with the common cold, I was forced to keep him home today. Feels weird to not be at work, but what can ya do when your little one is sick and no one's available to watch him? It's been a rough day trying to get eye drop ointment in a 4 year old's eyes and I have the kicks and punch marks on my body to prove it. Lots of hugs and back rubs though make up for our little wrestling matches throughout the day. I feel so bad for Mick. My parents will most likely watch him tomorrow and I am so grateful for them. I just hope the pink eye runs its course soon.
On a brighter note...I got a phone call today from the superintendent at the school district I registered my son at.
It was my first choice and regardless of my address and Mathias' father's, I registered Mathias there anyway. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try and worst case scenario I'd commute every morning to take my little boy to the school if he got in. Well, my request was granted. The superintendent approved my paperwork. Mathias has been accepted into Lewis-Palmer Elementary! He will officially be an Eagle student in August. Yay! Thank you, Lord! Mathias is also very excited to start Kindergarten in the fall. I'm so very grateful for this wonderful surprise on this unexpected sick day and feel truly blessed for God hearing my small prayer.
On a brighter note...I got a phone call today from the superintendent at the school district I registered my son at.
It was my first choice and regardless of my address and Mathias' father's, I registered Mathias there anyway. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try and worst case scenario I'd commute every morning to take my little boy to the school if he got in. Well, my request was granted. The superintendent approved my paperwork. Mathias has been accepted into Lewis-Palmer Elementary! He will officially be an Eagle student in August. Yay! Thank you, Lord! Mathias is also very excited to start Kindergarten in the fall. I'm so very grateful for this wonderful surprise on this unexpected sick day and feel truly blessed for God hearing my small prayer.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Pretty Weekend
Spent a beautiful Saturday in the city before I dropped off munchkin at his dad's. Unfortunately, the cool wind over the weekend and 5 straight days of school prior to that has caused my little man to get sick again. This time it's bacterial conjunctivitis. :( The pus-producing bacteria has spread to both eyes and now he's just miserable. Eye drop lubricant, TLC and of course the best effective prevention besides hygiene is for Mickey to not rub his eyes with his hands. Looks like he will be staying home from school tomorrow. Poor baby.
Colorado blue skies...

"I am going to give from every corner of my soul."
am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I
can do. ~Edward Everett Hale
I am very passionate about helping people in poverty, especially those who cannot help themselves. What better way to live your life than to help those in need all around you? A full-time job and raising a child certainly seems to consume me, but that's no excuse for me to not be able to lend a hand any chance I can. I've signed up for more soup kitchens this year and hope to be a volunteer at Mathias' school when he starts Kindergarten. I'm so excited I can't wait to continue this journey of helping better the lives of others. Wish me luck peeps!
Living your life for the Lord is not a waste "because you know that your
labor in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:58). It's not
wasted. It's not futile. It's eternal.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Darndest Things Kids Say
Busy week it has been...with Mick's father's being out of town I had to play soccer mom all week for munchkin. Waking up early to drop off Mick at school, then work for me, then back to pick up my lil monster. It's been quite a hectic time, but the opportunity to take Mathias to and from school has been a treat. :) I was able to meet Mathias' new Pre-K teacher Mr. Jimmy who by the way looks more like a movie star than a preschool teacher. Now I can see why Mickey's dad always insisted on dropping him off at school. ;) Anyway, I just had to post some of the funny things Mathias said from the week that had me cracking up. Kids are really too darn cute. :)
The conversation Mick would have with his best friend and classmate Christopher whenever I picked him up from school:
MATHIAS: Bye Christopher. My mommy is here to take me home. I'll be your friend tomorrow OK? See you later!
Our prayer before dinner every night at the table:
Dear God, thank you for this food we are about to eat. Thank you for all my blessings. Amen.
The night I ordered pizza for us:
MATHIAS: Dear God. Thank you for this pizza. Pizza makes me happy. Amen. The end.
In my jeep on the way to drop off Mathias at school...a car cuts us off and of course I'm livid.
ME: Shit! Watch where you're going car!!
MATHIAS: Oooooh....you said a bad word Mommy!
ME: Oops, I know I'm sorry Mathias. Mommy didn't mean to.
MATHIAS: Shit is a bad word Mommy. You're not suppose to say shit.
ME: Then stop saying that word Mathias! It is a very bad word OK?
MATHIAS: OK Mommy. I won't say shit anymore. Shit is not nice. Shit is something only bad people and strangers say. So don't say shit anymore. OK Mommy? I don't say bad words huh Mommy? Bad words like shit and dammit and stupid and gimme. Right Mommy?
ME: Mathias!!!!
MATHIAS: But coconut and Spongebob are good words, right Mommy? I like coconuts. But not shit and I don't say gimme anymore. I say, may I please have that. But not shit. Right Mommy?
ME: ...................
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Adorable Little Fellow
It's nothing new...this kid has my heart. We started the day with a haircut, silly bath time and a quick nap before heading out for the evening's game. Mathias and I had a date last night at the CC Tigers game again courtesy of my boss. The row we sat in was fairly empty which made me miss someone very much, but it did allow us to stretch our legs and act like crazy fans without bumping into anyone. The night consisted of a slice of cheese pizza, popcorn, mini-cookies and finally a blue and red rasberry snow cone. Can we say tummy-ache??? :-) Most of the popcorn ended up on the floor underneath our seats thanks to a clumsy mother and a clumsy 4 year old. It's inevitable that we leave a trail of mess wherever we go. ;-) It was a good time nevertheless!
My little ham.
Bubble bath beard.

His awesome VReader (electronic learning/reading game) before naptime.
Hockey time!!
Yum...snow cone!
Finally...bedtime. Sweet dreams!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Cloudy Mirror
Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
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