Bubble bath time! A soapy wig? Perhaps a beard? How 'bout we just try this time to not eat the bubbles, shall we?
Gotta love Target. The toy aisles are obviously a hit for us both each and every time we go shopping. His new fascination today was this bad ass T-Rex that growled and moved its body. It was kinda creepy. I can just imagine getting him that toy only to have it freak him out at night in his room. Which would just mean sleepless nights for me. Hmm, maybe we'll get that dinosaur some other time.
I ended up buying him a pretty cool Caterpillar Light & Sound Bulldozer instead (not quite as spendy or scary as Mr. T-Rex). He loves it! Our plan is to take it outside tomorrow to the park to play it on some good ol' Colorado dirt. Can't wait!