

Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Healthy = Happy

I believe that being healthy means respecting my body and treating it well – giving it the nutrients, the exercise, and the rest that it needs to thrive and allow me to do the things I want to do. I enjoy a good burger and fries just like the rest of 'em, but something about eating healthy just feels better overall. Today, I was craving bbq and whipped up a quick no-fuss meal. After reading about the benefits of red and orange bell peppers, I've been incorporating those sweet things into just about every dinner. This time I lightly sauteed orange peppers with broccoli in peanut oil (peanut oil contains resveratrol, the substance in grapes and red wine that has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease and reduced cancer risk). Then I slathered a sweet and smoky rub on some chicken and grilled it for a bit before I put on a rich delicious bbq sauce. Chicken and veggies= super yummy and super nutritious.

Shhh, Mommy...It's Me Mathias

Mathias walks up to my bed at 630 this morning and I think to myself, so much for sleeping in. He must of read my thoughts because he rubbed my hair softly. MATHIAS: "Shh, Mommy...it's me Mathias, don't wake up. Go back to sleep. I'm just gonna go watch cartoons." ME: Shh, it's me Mommy. That's great, but you still woke me up. MATHIAS: Oh ok. Since you're awake now Mommy, can you make me pancakes? ME: suuuure

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Angel

Bubble bath time! A soapy wig? Perhaps a beard? How 'bout we just try this time to not eat the bubbles, shall we?

Gotta love Target. The toy aisles are obviously a hit for us both each and every time we go shopping. His new fascination today was this bad ass T-Rex that growled and moved its body. It was kinda creepy. I can just imagine getting him that toy only to have it freak him out at night in his room. Which would just mean sleepless nights for me. Hmm, maybe we'll get that dinosaur some other time.

I ended up buying him a pretty cool Caterpillar Light & Sound Bulldozer instead (not quite as spendy or scary as Mr. T-Rex). He loves it! Our plan is to take it outside tomorrow to the park to play it on some good ol' Colorado dirt. Can't wait!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Child Puts Things in Perspective

It never fails. Mickey always finds a way to bring me back to what's important. He essentially keeps me grounded. So when Monday rolled around with the fax, phone and internet lines down all day and office drama at its finest...well, it made for a very rough day. When 5:00 hit, I literally got into my Jeep and sat there for a moment in tears. That's what a stressful day at the office can do to some people. I remember exhaling deeply and feeling relief that the crappy day I had was finally over. I had to pickup munchkin from preschool when I got off so the drive there allowed me to keep my composure. When I arrived at Mathias' school, I walked in to a classroom of adorable little children. They were all playing inside with one another waiting for their parents to pick them up for the day. It's funny how simple and pure these kids are. They all get along so well and I felt happy just being in their presence. Would be nice if some of the adults in my life could behave in such a way. The sweetest boy of them all though had spotted me at the door immediately and ran to my legs. He held them tight and begged me to follow him to the back of the classroom. Apparently, Mathias was so excited to show me something he had made for me. Honest to goodness, it's as if he knew I had a bad day.

Mickey and Mommy :-)

I teared up a bit when he showed me his drawing of us. I smiled at my different sized hands and feet. My hair in the picture was hilarious. I also loved the fact that Mathias drew himself without a body. ;-) My favorite part though were the hearts he so meticulously drew on my dress. Now that's passionate artwork right there. :-) I have the best son ever. It made all the bullshit I had to deal with at work that day seem so insignificant. Thanks lil dude...your rock!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Salad

I love lighter and brighter foods in the spring and summer weather. Although our spring showers last night were more like thunderstorm/snow showers (that's CO for you), it's still nice to avoid slaving over a hot stove sometimes. With that said, I decided to make a simple pasta salad for lunch. Something quick, fresh and healthy, but full of sweet and tangy flavor. Here's what I came up with and it's absolutely delicious!

Red Wine Vinaigrette Chicken Salad

skinless boneless chicken breasts, rotini pasta, red wine vinaigrette dressing, red and orange bell peppers, red delicious apple, tomatoes, baby spinach, dill weed, crushed black pepper and sea salt
  • boil the chicken for easy shredding
  • boil pasta
  • rinse and thinly slice apple and bell peppers
  • rinse and chop tomatoes
  • in a large bowl mix drained pasta, shredded chicken, veggies, vinaigrette dressing, dill weed, salt and pepper together. 
  • lightly toss in fresh baby spinach at the very end and enjoy!

The health benefits also make for a more enjoyable meal!

Did you know that Red Delicious apples have more antioxidants than other apples? Most of this is contained in their skin so make sure you wash them and skip the peeling to get the max in beneficial fiber.

When picking a bell pepper, always opt for the vibrant colors...

"The sunniest tones yield the highest concentration of antioxidant carotenoids. One small red, yellow or orange pepper provides three times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C—way ahead of citrus. Red peppers stand out as one of the few foods that contain lycopene, a carotenoid which lowers the risk of various cancers, including prostate and cervical cancer. These crimson packages are also packed with beta-carotene, converted to vitamin A in the body and essential for night vision. Nature’s best source of zeaxanthin, a compound known to protect against cataracts and can be found in orange peppers." - Gayot.com

"Rotini generally contains no eggs, making the pasta a cholesterol-free food. If you eat a garden rotini pasta, which contains white, green and red shaped pasta twists, the green pasta gets its color from spinach powder, and the red pasta gets its color from tomato powder." - Livestrong.com

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Bunnies, eggs and baskets full of treats all stem from pagan roots that date back from the 13th century. All of these adorable images of fluffy bunnies and colored eggs don't have anything to do with the true meaning of the Christian tradition honoring the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead. So why do we celebrate it? Well, most of us celebrate the Sunday itself reflecting on the resurrection of Christ while also merging in the old pagan beliefs and association of Easter eggs and Spring simply for the little ones in our life. With all that being said lets us not forget that Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ and to celebrate and share the real meaning of this special day. So while the kids are happy with their candy Easter baskets and egg hunting...don't forget to share with them what they are indeed celebrating and to never lose faith. :)

So good morning! Look what Mickey woke up and found hidden around the house? A giant chocolate bunny, a plush Spongebob Squarepants candy basket and eggs filled with candy galore. Can we say cavity? 

After a nice breakfast and listening to Mathias' prayer and blessings for his family and food (his prayers are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E), I took him to see Disney on Ice at the World Arena. He's seen the show two years in a row, however, this year he's actually old enough to truly appreciate all the Disney characters  The best part - - - TOY STORY was going to be in this year's show. The surprise and joy from Mick's face when he saw his favorite movie characters come to life on ice literally brought tears to my eyes. It is the best feeling in the world to make a child that happy. Plus, what great excuse for my sister and I to be there to watch our favorite Disney princesses come to life from our childhood? We're suckers for romance...even if they come in Disney format. ;)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Spring!

A day at the park, then a quick hike alongside a lovely stream. In Colorado, it's so very easy to get in a beautiful hike without going very far. The best part of our afternoon outdoors is the delightful nap time that quickly follows. :)

Oh, Office Goodies...How Dare You Taunt Me...

I love food. It's no surprise. I am not one of those that shy around the buffet table...or any table for that matter. However, as much as I love to splurge on comfort food and dessert like the next person - I also want to look good. The two unfortunately do not go hand in hand...well, maybe when I was high school. Now, I barely look at a doughnut and my hips grow. So for the most part I've been doing well with working out as much as I make time for and my eating habits are usually pretty healthy unless I forget to pack a breakfast or lunch...or when my lovely coworkers bring in baked goodies. Then I'm screwed. How does one resist such delightful temptations such as these? I mean really???

Dark chocolate, milk chocolate and caramel frosted cupcakes...c-a-n...n-o-t...r-e-s-i-s-t...

I will say that I did manage to bring one cupcake home to give to munchkin. Frosting all over his mouth...a child after my own heart. ;)