Visiting my mother's home up in the mountains is always a treat for my son. Every room is a new place for him to explore and he absolutely loves it. However, there's this one room in Mom's house - we all refer to it as the "tea room" because of the Victorian-like furniture in there - that's completely off-limits for kiddies & pets. The room is filled with delicate figurines, crystal and other expensive collectibles that she acquired from all over the world during our travels growing up. I think the most attention-grabbing items in the room are her exotic flowers, particularly her Hawaiian orchids. The tea room, along with the rest of the house, stay pretty immaculate and are only messy when we arrive because of the toys and blankets we lay out everywhere. Mom always loves it when we visit, but she's also just as happy to see us go so she can get her house back in order from the "damages" my son makes. Sorry, Mom, about the toilet paper! Hehe...
(Exploring the Unknown & Bonking His Head Onto Glass)
(Discovers T.P.)