It was the long ride home that was...well, horrible. Mathias was fussy, sick of sitting in his car seat and just plain wanted to get out. Naturally, Sara and I did our best to comfort and entertain him the whole way to her house, but to no avail. It was brutal. I think I only saw Mathias act that way once when I was with Jay and he hadn't slept yet. Anyway, by the time I dropped off my sister, Mathias was in tears and screaming his lungs out. Poor little guy was just tired and wanted the comfort of his bed. I knew he'd eventually fall asleep and did my best to hurry home. I still had another 30 minutes of driving before we were at my house.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any did. Mathias was screaming and I was doing my best to give him his sippy cup while I drove. As I turned to face forward again, I spot a cop drive past me and then quickly do a U-turn only to turn on his lights and pull me over. WTH! Rolling my eyes and muttering some unpleasant obscenities, I pull my Jeep to the side of the road in front of a house. Fabulous, I thought. Now Mathias will never get to sleep. The officer walks toward my window and kindly tells me that I was going 10 over the speed limit. I give him my best smile and say, "I know." Then he looks behind me and sees that my son is crying hysterically and that I'm holding his juice in one hand. I quickly hand over my licence & documents and out of nowhere start to cry. ***I once tried bringing on the waterworks when I got pulled over for speeding many years ago. I of course failed miserably at my pathetic attempt to gain pity from the officer at that time. It also probably didn't help that the cop was a female who just didn't buy my crybaby act.*** So there I was, bawling (for real this time) about how I had just driven all the way from Divide and then had to drop off my sister out here in the son is fussy and wants to go home and I still have quite a way to drive...and I was hot and tired and blah blah blah. The officer just looked at me and said he would be right back. During his walk back to his vehicle, Mathias was continuously crying bloody murder. I don't think it was even two minutes before the officer came walking back to me. He handed me back my stuff and calmly replied, "Ma'am, I apologize that you had such rough day, but please just watch your speed from here on, OK?" I thanked him and apologized under heavy sobbing. Surprisingly, I didn't get a ticket. Wiping my face and making sure Mathias was OK, I drove off *slowly* and was on my way. Little man even fell asleep as soon I drove off. I couldn't wait to get home. As I drove in complete silence for the rest of way, I began thinking to myself...I really should try and memorize that excuse I just used...crying infant excluded.