Friday night I'm home from work early and begin immediately playing with Mathias. We start off with his vast array of colorful toys. He soon got bored with a good ten or so of his gadgets and at that point it was time to feed him dinner. Afterwards, we begin watching a cartoon together with him sitting on my lap and holding up his own bottle. Once the cartoon began to bore him and the bottle was close to empty, I propped him back down on the floor where he continued to play with another toy. This was the perfect opportunity for me to lean back, kick up my feet and change the channel. My simple way of unwinding after a long work week. HA! Who was I fooling? I barely got to change the channel when Mathias looks at me holding the remote and then darts his head to the t.v. I swear he flipped his whole body around and sat facing the screen...waiting for me to go to something good.

At that point, I was sick of watching cartoons and not in the mood for the weather channel or wheel of fortune (thanks to Grandma) so I turned on something I knew we both could handle...basketball. The little booger started to dart his eyes back and forth at the players on the screen and quickly became excited. He recognized the sport immediately. We can thank his Grandpa for that. It was too funny. So I grabbed the camera to share his excitement.
Disclaimer: Lisa does not in any way recommend that parents encourage grunting, spitting and mild hysteria with their babies. Children should watch cartoons and educational programs that pertain to their age. However, if grandparents are involved in the child's life at an early age...than the parents are screwed. At that point, muttering small words of encouragement is OK.