MATHIAS: Mommy Mommy Mommy!!!
ME: What What What!!!
MATHIAS: I had a bad dream! The paint monster tried to paint me all over! It wouldn't stop painting me!
ME: The paint monster? Doesn't sound too bad sweetie.
MATHIAS: The paint monster was painting food all over me and I was sooo hungry and I just wanted to eat my face!
ME: Woah. That is a nightmare.
MATHIAS: Yeah it was. Maybe we should go in the kitchen and get it. Let's bring a bazooka in case it tries to sneak on us.
ME: Oh sweetie, if the worst it can do is paint all over us, then I think we'll be ok.
MATHIAS: No Mommy, his paintbrush was huuuuuge. It could kill us. I'm bringing my gun and pirate sword. You have to make the breakfast. Cmon!
ME: Wait, why do I have to make the breakfast?? Lemme guess, pancakes?
MATHIAS: Not today Captain Mommy! Gotta fight the paint monster. We'll need French Toast!
ME: Of course...
Aaargh! I'm a paint monster killin machine!