Aaah, the first haircut...before you view the slideshow below, take a look at these photos of some random kiddies getting their very first haircut. They all don't seem to be enjoying it too well. Hehe!

My mom and I took Mathias to get his first professional haircut at Great Clips the other day. Boy, was that an experience. He cried and screamed bloody murder as the stylist cut his hair. Mom and I had to hold Mathias down the entire time while the lady snipped away his long locks. She did this all under five minutes! Pretty good I might say so myself, considering she had a screaming child bobbing and weaving his head the entire time. It was quite a nightmare...haha!
So despite the few uneven spots here and there, she did a good job. A little short for my taste, but next time I'll know to request his hair a little longer on top. For now though...Mathias looks so much older and so darn cute! I love it!