

Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I've waited for what seemed an eternity for my son to call me Mama. After hearing the little guy call everything Dada for so long, it was nice to finally hear Mathias say, "Mama," just today. Jason was with me when he said it and I about cried. It took him awhile, but now he's at the stage in his life where I can teach him things that he's now able to comprehend. It's remarkable how this little baby can lift his arms up in the air when I ask him, "who's a big boy?", or when I say, "dance, dance," he shakes his little body back & forth. I am trying to get this all on video, but currently my digital camera isn't working. Bummer! Jay and I will be sure to capture all these new milestones just as soon as the camera issue is resolved. Stay tuned...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mathias Stands!

Holy, mackerel, this kid is growing up way too fast! :) Already 10.5 months old and Mathias is learning to stand on his own. Jay was the first to witness it last night as I was out with friends for dinner and drinks. I was bummed that I missed it, but lo and behold...the little man decided to appease me. He has been trying to stand all morning! Truly an awesome milestone and I made sure to record it all!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Traditional (Tol) Celebration

Sunday was a day of celebration for Mathias' baby cousin, Conner. Conner turned a year old and because he is part Korean; a traditional Korean birthday took place...along with the westernized tradition consisting of a cake and gifts. It is known as a Tol celebration, or child's first birthday.

Connor's birthday also allowed Jason and I to get a glimpse of what was needed for our son's first birthday. For Jason, this was all new, but for myself - this was common for me to see. My first birthday was celebrated in Korea as well as my younger sister's. The birthdays are always entertaining, especially when the Toljabee event takes place - the part where the child "chooses" his/her future. :) For more info on what is entailed in a Korean child's first birthday, check out the link below:


After all the excitement and picture-taking started to dwindle down, my mother and my aunt quickly returned to the kitchen to lay out even more delicious Korean food and snacks. Since the weather was so nice, everyone then migrated outside to play games, eat more food and to just relax under clear blue skies. A fabulous ending to a great weekend...(despite the fact that I was losing my voice and gave Mathias his first cold...but that's another story).

Friday, April 18, 2008

Silly Games

More peekaboo, dancing and clapping - our playful morning routine before we head off on a new adventure outside.

He really is so much fun. I never in a million years would've guessed that having a baby would be this thrilling. It's always amazing seeing a child do or say new things - nevertheless, your very own child!


Dancing & Clapping to Diego

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Funny Man

The little rascal and I are having so much fun these days. He pretty much laughs at anything and everything we do...the littlest things amuse him *just like his mama*. Although, sometimes I think he looks like he's locked up when he's in his playpen or crib. Heheh!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

All Smiles

Mathias definitely must get his good mood when he wakes up from his Daddy. I certainly am not the friendliest person when I roll out of bed, but my son is completely the opposite. He wakes up with a smile every time. Such a happy baby!
Remarkable. :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Beautiful Day

Another b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l day in Colorado. I waited for Jay to come home early today so we could all walk around the neighborhood together. It was such a delight breathing in the fresh air and feeling the warm sun on our backs. I listened to Mathias coo and giggle at everything that he past by as Jay and I continued walking behind him. It's so hard to believe that just last week I was sitting at a desk dealing with office politics and stressing away my days on deadlines and reports. The funny part was I actually enjoyed it! The sad part comes from me missing my friends at work. *Bets are already being made about how long I can last as a stay-at-home mommy.* My life now belongs to my son and my son couldn't be happier...I only wished I had done this sooner! Jason and I are finally where we want to be in life. We both worked hard to get to this point in our lives and it's worth all the sweat and tears we had to endure to make it here. God is gracious and I can't say this enough.

Nursery Peek-A-Boo

So Mathias absolutely LOVES playing peek-a-boo - anywhere, anytime, all the time. I was doing laundry this past weekend and the washer & dryer are upstairs. Very convenient for the sake of laundry...but very inconvenient for the sake of my son. It's hard to keep my eye on him when I'm swapping clothes because my back is facing him and I refuse to have him crawling around me since the stairs are so close. So basically, I just put him in his crib until I'm done swapping and ready for folding (which Mathias is very good at helping me with). Well, the little booger now knows how to pick himself up onto his knees...in almost-standing position. I'm so afraid that our little guy is getting too big for his own good - soon he'll be able to crawl out of his very own crib! :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

10 Months Already

4 months old

10 months old

Happy birthday, Mathias! Today he is 10 months old and one happy boy. It's hard to believe how big he's grown in just 6 months. I am very proud of him. Soon he will be a year old and that milestone alone will be another proud moment.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Crawling Machine

It's really funny watching little man crawl all over the place now. What's amazing is that only a few weeks ago, I was trying my hardest to get him to crawl for me. Now the little guy won't stop! He also has this new laugh that he makes for absolutely no reason. I was able to catch him laughing out of the blue. He didn't even know I was following him.