Check out the link below on an article from our local news station!

Holy mother. The saying goes, "Ya can't win if ya don't play." Well, I just bought 3 tickets. Highly doubt I'll match any of the winning numbers let alone all six, but wouldn't that be nice? I'm a pretty simple dreamer so here's what I know for sure I'd do if I I won such an exorbitant amount of money (a girl can dream right?):
Pay off my parent's home. Build my own home in the mountains. Buy lots of land and adopt as many dogs from the shelters that I could and raise them on my huge ass property. They'd have a small barn to sleep in and acres of land to run on. A dog is truly man's (or woman's!) best friend and I absolutely miss my black Lab. Open shelters for the poor and volunteer at each location as often as I could. Donate to several children charities. Mathias would attend the best schools and I'd take him traveling overseas as my sister and I had the privilege of doing during our childhood.
Basically, my life wouldn't be any more busy than it already is, but I'd certainly being doing things that I was more passionate about because I'd have the luxury to do it all. In the meantime, I'll just blog about it...that's about as close as I'll get to actually winning. ;)