

Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Play-Doh Pizza Shop

Winter wonderland again today and with Mathias still getting over his cold, we decided to skip the sledding this time around. Instead, we stayed indoors and chose to open up our "pizza shop". We made pizza with all the fixin's and included some rather strange toppings courtesy of Mickey himself. Things like shrimp, grapes, watermelon and blueberries (don't ask) and some other yummy entree's...calzones, hotdogs, burgers and my favorite...chocolate cake! ;)

After our hard work of "baking", we ate some homemade garlic bread and spaghetti for lunch. The real stuff. :) Bon Appetite!!

Lotto, Lotto, Lotto

Check out the link below on an article from our local news station!

Holy mother. The saying goes, "Ya can't win if ya don't play." Well, I just bought 3 tickets. Highly doubt I'll match any of the winning numbers let alone all six, but wouldn't that be nice? I'm a pretty simple dreamer so here's what I know for sure I'd do if I I won such an exorbitant amount of money (a girl can dream right?):

Pay off my parent's home. Build my own home in the mountains. Buy lots of land and adopt as many dogs from the shelters that I could and raise them on my huge ass property. They'd have a small barn to sleep in and acres of land to run on. A dog is truly man's (or woman's!) best friend and I absolutely miss my black Lab. Open shelters for the poor and volunteer at each location as often as I could. Donate to several children charities. Mathias would attend the best schools and I'd take him traveling overseas as my sister and I had the privilege of doing during our childhood.

Basically, my life wouldn't be any more busy than it already is, but I'd certainly being doing things that I was more passionate about because I'd have the luxury to do it all. In the meantime, I'll just blog about it...that's about as close as I'll get to actually winning. ;)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

CC Tigers vs. DU

Watching Colorado College Tigers vs. Denver Pioneers at the World Arean tonight was awesome. Went with coworkers and they all brought their sons or grandson. The boys loved it and it was hilarious watching them. I have to say, attending hockey games with Mick is now one of my favorite things to do. He's the best little son a mother could ask for and I am so happy right now for having this little dude in my life I could just burst. Every year Mathias just amazes me and tonight was no different. I am now going to bed with a big grin on my face. Sweet dreams everyone! Go Tigers!