"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."
Peek into the life of this little family in all its chaos...and pure joy! You'll enter the mind of a mother as she unfolds the many random thoughts of her everyday life - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always from the heart. Enjoy!
I had a lunch date with some friends that I used to work with as well as my sister (whom I mentioned before now works with all of them). They loved seeing my son and after lunch we all went back to my old company to catch up with every one else. It was funny showing off my son to the office staff as well as the guys in our warehouse considering the last time most of them saw Mathias when he was either two months old or five months old. Now he's a little giant and was running around all over the place like he owned the joint! It was pretty amazing!
Little Mickey...the cool kid on the block. He just recently started sporting his very own shades given to him by Gamma. My mom and I get blown away by how quickly he's growing. Just a few months ago, Mathias would get irritated if one of us tried putting them over his head. Now he actually picks up his own shades and puts them on himself...or at least attempts to. He would wear them all day and night if he could. :)
Today was a fairly warm day considering we had below zero temperatures yesterday with a fair amount of snow. Alas, the glorious sun melted most of it away. Gotta love Colorado! So to take full advantage of the warm weather; my mom and I decided to hang out with Lil' Man in front of my house after an afternoon of shopping and dining out. It was fun and Mathias loved every minute outside...so much that he would get into a fit if we tried taking him inside. Actually, he would just a get into a fit if we stopped playing with him altogether. He was certainly taking full advantage of trying to spend every minute with his "Gamma" and Mommy all day. We loved it. This is what we live for - our children and our grandchildren. God is good!
A day with Mommy and Grandma at Lil' Biggs Play Center
Mathias is now at the age where he is such a blast! He walks, "talks" and interacts with anything and everyone. So the latest place I've been taking him is this pretty cool play center for tots known as Lil' Biggs. It's the smaller version of Mr. Biggs and only minutes away from my house so not only is it convenient for us to go...it's also a lot of fun. I try to take him at least twice a week.
The place offers a simple buffet with fairly good-sized eating area as well as play area. The play area is setup with arcades, and is basically a mini-town with about 5-6 different playrooms (such as the music room, a hospital, bakery, etc...). There's a large inflatable for kids to jump in (Mathias is still too young for that) and my favorite spot is the giant sandbox. This is probably where Mathias gets the most interaction with the kids. Surprisingly, because he's so tall for his age, everyone seems to mistake him for a 3 or 4 year old. It's hilarious to observe. Twice he's stepped on some kid's sandcastle and danced all over it (very bad). He made the kid cry...and the kid was older than him! Hehe! Then the last time we went, two little blond girls came and sat next to Mathias and started talking to him not realizing he's just a baby. When one of the girls asked Mathias what his name was, Mathias responded by throwing sand in her face. Hahaha! It was hysterical, but I had to scold him in front of everyone and Mathias just looked at me and clapped his hands. I've got a long way to go when it comes to disciplining...and he's not even two yet! *sigh* Next week, I'm hoping to take him to his first soccer lesson. Classes begin at 18 months of age so I'm super excited to see what's entailed. I'll keep everyone posted!
Sweet Mathias will be 19 months old this upcoming Wednesday. Where does all the time go??? So in lieu with all the hub-bub that has been happening around the holidays, I'm posting all new updates strictly revolving around my handsome little boy, as well as a video clip at the end of this post.
runs out of control, walks backwards, sideways, walks up and down stairs w/assistance
able to place things in and out of containers...for example, can hold a bucket in one hand while placing toys inside of it with the other hand
meticulously lines up a number of objects in a straight line...for example, bottles, cups, balls, blocks (OCD just like his mother?)
"brushes" his teeth...more like sucks on the toothbrush bristles, but close enough
able to feed himself with utensils
can take off his own clothes...particularly when it's bathtime
open and close doors (looooves shutting doors)
knows when something is wrong or when he's in trouble
covers his ears if something is too loud...or when we scold him (too cute)
mimicks your facial expressions very well...for instance, if you smile, he'll smile. if you stick out your tongue, he'll do that same. pout your lips and he'll do the same.
he recognizes his own reflection now
can throw overhand...learning to dunk basketball into hoop
cocka cocka = quack quack (like his rubber ducky)
booball = football
oooooo = this sound is used for so many things, but most importantly to sing along with the theme song for Spongebob Squarepants
num num = wanting food (yummy), he usually makes this noise in a lip-smacking way whenever I'm holding him while I cook in the kitchen...or even when I walk up to him with a plate of food
Here's the lil' booger getting ready to head out for dinner at his Emo Sara's house. He was bundled up for the cold snow outside and I have to say...pretty darn cute!
loves trying to "talk"...is quite a babbler :) he makes up his own words, but so far this is the new stuff that I'm able to interpret along with any of the older words he's already learned to say: