OMG...I can't stoppppppp...So here's some food for thought...if you tan, stop. It's that simple. It's unhealthy whether it be under the all natural sunlight or in a tanning booth aka slow-death bed. So then WTH is my deal?
You would think that being half Asian would prevent me from tanning because I should essentially have darker-complected skin. Ha! I would say my skin tone is more on the peachy side...not necessarily olive like my mother or yellow-toned like my sister. I was (cursed) blessed with pigment much like my father who has Scottish-Irish ancestry. I'm not fair-skinned by any means, but I'm certainly not tan either. I'm more or less in-between shades...slightly leaning towards the fairer side. To make matters worse, I have freckles. Not just a few here and there...OK, so maybe on my body it's minimal (thank gawd), but my face?? Fuggettabodit. Naturally, the more I tan, the more these "angel kisses" appear. Curses, I say! Curses! Luckily, I have been able to achieve quite a nice complexion over the summer and if I might say so myself - I am almost content with how dark I've gotten. Notice how I said almost? I'm still not quite satisfied with my color.
I feel like I can go darker...
In this lies the true nature of the beast. Tanorexia is an addicting disease. Really! How superficial and shallow does that sound? Pretty damn vain, I know...but I am not here to give off any false impressions of our family, our lifestyle and certainly not of myself. We're not perfect by any means and the fact that I'm an addicting person proves that. :) What you see is what you get..............except for the bronze glow that I emulate; that's all from sunbathing. *heheh*
So despite my never-ending need to go outside and "bake", I've decided that with fall season just around the corner and winter creeping up on us, I need to be done with my ridiculous obsession. Seriously...do I want to end up looking like the grandmother from Something About Mary (see photo above). *shudders*