“Rain, rain, go away…”
Fast foward and here I am today in lovely Colorado and now it’s raining cats and dogs. Except this time, I welcome it. Our state is normally pretty dry and water conservation is mandatory so we pretty much look forward to rain every now and then. Our vegetation needs it. Plus all this wet weather makes me wanna crawl into bed and read a good book…or veg out in front of the TV. watching sappy chick-flicks. I could literally just stay in my pajama pants and tank all day long. What else am I gonna do? My house is immaculate from yesterday’s cleaning, the garbage has been taken out and picked up, already did two loads of laundry, Mathias is taking his first nap right now and I’m all out of things to do. We can’t go to the park and I’m attempting to save our money so can’t go shopping. I just feel so blaaaaah. It’s actually kind of nice. Oh, wait…*then it hits me*…I have to buy dog food, cat food, milk, and juice. Craaaaaaaaaap! I’m in such a lazy mood and my angel babies are telling me I have to actually go out in this icky weather?
I keep telling myself that days like this are going to be few and far between. As I mentioned before, I start work next week and today is already Friday. I’m not going to be able to have the little luxuries of just lounging around or playing with my son as often as I do now. So I was hoping to use my R&R on this quiet rainy day in full force. If I have to go to the store this morning then I figure I can at least relax watching movies and cooking up snacks when Mathias takes his second nap of the day (if he decides too, please God, let him decide too). *It dawns on me…* I have to be up and ready for our landscaping crew to come out and lay our sod down for our backyard this afternoon. Not only that, but this kind of weather has the dog leaving wet track marks all over the basement floor. He resides downstairs with full access to our backyard. So you can imagine all the muddy, dirty paw prints they’re leaving every time they go in and out of the house…which just means I’ll have to thoroughly clean the disgusting mess downstairs. Dammit! So I guess I’ll be doing that instead while Mathias naps this afternoon. Aah, well, so much for my movies, my snacks, staying in my pj's...so much for my rainy day...