Aah, the beloved kitchen. So many delicious meals prepared in there...so many wonderful smells that arise from the stovetop or oven (lately - with my tired butt - it's been the microwave)...so many goodies to indulge in when our tastebuds start to taunt us. For Mathias...the kitchen is just another vast array of wonderment and gadgets. To him, the kitchen is his "other" playroom. Of course, the pertinent drawers and cabinets that are off limits are child-proofed so no worries there. However, it's the "safer", less likely nooks and crannies that seem to attract Mathias more and more. Allow me to exlain...
My son is usually right there next to me when I'm doing something in the kitchen so it isn't any surprise that whenever I open the fridge, Mathias is standing there waiting to explore and grab at anything his little hands can reach. Sometimes, he'll open the fruit/veggie drawers and throw his toys in there. For example, you might be looking for an apple or piece of celery and instead find an Elmo phone sitting next to the onions...and possibly a plastic bouncing ball or two (so that's where they went).
however, he's twisting off the plastic caps from the gallons of milk we have that sit at the bottom of the fridge door. There have been several instances where I have looked throughout the house searching for those stupid plastic caps to cover up the milk. I kid you not...I actually found one of them floating in the guest bathroom toilet one afternoon. Disgusting! Since then, toilet seats are always down, bathroom doors are shut, milk jugs are placed on higher shelves in the fridge...unless we need that space for more food. Then down the milk goes alongside the fridge door and the vicious cycle starts again. One time, I found a spare toothbrush shoved inside the milk jug...seriously. Mickey's a sneaky lil' fellow. I honestly try hard to shut the door before he can see me ever having the fridge open, but when I'm in the middle of cooking, cleaning, on the phone, whatever...I tend to leave the fridge door open for a minute while I use whatever it is I'm using...then I'll place the item back inside the fridge and close it then. A wise woman would either a) close the damn door immediately or b) inspect the entire refrigerator including all contents inside. I do neither one. :) It's hilarious really...OK, maybe just to me.
I have as of late, made a conscientious effort to look around and make sure Mathias doesn't see me near the refrigerator so that I can quickly grab whatever it is I need to grab. I guarantee that - 90% of the time - Mathias has spotted me and tries to "run" to get to the fridge before I close it. The little booger actually did
just that this afternoon when I was putting leftovers away. Except this time, I didn't have milk sitting at the bottom of the fridge door nor were there many things to grab from the drawers. So what did my little man decide to do with so little options? I guess he thought it would be cool to rearrange the bottles of salad dressing and sauce. He actually had to reach for these bottles since they all sit in the middle of the fridge door. Apparently, he didn't seem to like where they all sat - so he moved every single bottle, one by one, and placed them on the lowest shelf. Well, eventually, Mathias felt that the bottles had to be moved
again so he started putting some in the veggie drawers and some back on the middle shelf. He was so methodical about the whole thing that I had to just stand back and watch............while our electric bill slowly goes up. *heheh*