Finally! Mathias' cast was taken off today at the medical center. Thank goodness. The doctor's assistant used this small electric saw to cut off the cast...it was actually kind of frightening. I can see why our son was screaming his guts out when we laid him down on the table. It's extremely hard to have to watch your son cry while you and a complete stranger are doing your best to hold him down flat on his back. Can I just say that Mathias is freakishly strong for his size? Seriously, I was literally fighting him to get his body to lay still as the assistant slowly sawed off the cast. I hope that I...that my son...never have to go through that painful ordeal again. Whew!
Now that we are both home from his appointment, Mathias is trying to get used to the use of his other arm. I don't think he realizes the cast is off now considering he refuses to pick up anything with that hand. Poor baby. In the meantime I plan to give Mathias the longest, warmest, comforting bath he's ever had. Three weeks without being able to sit in the tub is just wrong...particularly since bathtime was his favorite part of the day. So off to the tub with his kazillion little toys! Thank you all for your prayers for a speedy recovery! :) Thank you MOM for all your help in watching your grandbaby when I was at work. I love you!